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Republicans Rally Resistance to Health Care Bill, as House Vote Nears

housecall rally 11-5

Photo from  Fox News

Doing the job the media won’t do:  St Louis Tea Party To Throw Document Parties


Via Instapundit, Cincinnati Tea Partyers surround their local Congressman for four days:

The Cincinnati Tea Party organized a four day demonstration to urge local congressman Steve Driehaus to vote against the Healthcare bill in the House. He is the only local representative who has not committed to a “ney” vote. We organized an unprecedented four-day “We Surround Him” demonstration to show our commitment to liberty and resolve on the issue.

The first three days of the demonstration were surrounding his district. We had members stationed at all busy exits around I-275 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. These members passed out educational materials to vehicles and pedestrians. The finale was yesterday, Saturday, when we surrounded him. Members surrounded the Carew Tower in Cincinnati where his local office is located. We invited Congressman Driehaus and his 2010 opponent Steve Chabot to speak about Healthcare after the rally. The Congressman declined our invitation. Speakers offered solutions to the “crisis” such as allowing for the sale of insurance across state lines and tort reform.


Local media coverage:  Cincinnati Tea Party concluded four-day protest on Saturday and Tea Party Rallies Against Health Care Bills

Thousands Turn Out for Kickoff of Tea Party Express II


Will the legacy media take their fingers out of their ears?  Protesters hit media outlets in 100 cities on Saturday, October 17, 2009, to call attention to media bias.  A report from Denver:


Reports on the event in Indianapolis here and here.

Video from Chicago:

A lot of links at HQ Operation: Can You Hear Us Now.  Awesome!

Thanks to Michelle Malkin

LaPorte, IN,  held its second Tea Party Saturday, October 17, 2009.  Around 35 hardy people braved the wind and cold to rally at the Court House.  Full report and more pictures here.

10-17-09 LaPorte Tea Party 026

From the Christian Science Monitor, Tea Party insurgency marches into key states


…The growing numbers of Americans coming out to the Tax Day Tea Party, the Fourth of July Tea Parties, and then the 9/12 Tea Party march on Washington are going back to their home districts and keeping up — even intensifying — the fight for smaller government and more transparency on spending and taxation.

In places like New York, Florida, California, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania, local, state, congressional, and gubernatorial seats are suddenly being tugged to-and-fro by the new and unruly political force…

More at the link.

H/T Instapundit

President Obama went to a fundraiser in San Francisco last week and met a crowd:

The crowd was not just Tea Partiers. There were also single-payer enthusiasts, 9-11 truthers, and US-out-of-Aghanistan’ers as well.

SanFran crowd

SanFran apologize sign

More pictures at the link.

H/T Michelle Malkin

I remember hearing this speech at the March on DC – it was every bit as inspiring as the video makes it sound.

Tea Partiers getting under the Democrat Party’s skin in Tucson:
Tea Party group seeks added momentum

mad mob dog

…The group has already proven to be a thorn in the side of the dominant local Democratic Party. Chairman Jeff Rogers sent out a scathing press release last week, his second in recent months on the topic, saying the Republican Party has been taken over by radical “tea partiers.”

Robert Mayer, the UA marketing student who formed the Tucson Tea Party group with Trent Humphries, quickly turned the attack into motivational fodder for the upcoming rally and for campaigning in favor of the Republican candidates for City Council…

More at the link.

H/T Instapundit
