You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘protest’ tag.

Republicans Rally Resistance to Health Care Bill, as House Vote Nears

housecall rally 11-5

Photo from  Fox News

Will the legacy media take their fingers out of their ears?  Protesters hit media outlets in 100 cities on Saturday, October 17, 2009, to call attention to media bias.  A report from Denver:


Reports on the event in Indianapolis here and here.

Video from Chicago:

A lot of links at HQ Operation: Can You Hear Us Now.  Awesome!

Thanks to Michelle Malkin

Tea Party 200, 12 in San Diego.

“Show Us The Bill–Hands Off Our Healthcare” protest in St. Louis.

The President put Obamacare on the road in Green Bay and hit a speed bump:  Hundreds protest Obama’s visit

GREEN BAY – Organizers said about 1,000 people lined the east side of Packerland Drive Thursday morning to protest President Obama’s stop in Green Bay. Stretching four blocks long, the protest parked itself along the motorcade route between Austin Straubel Airport and Green Bay Southwest High School.

Most of the protestors were part of a grassroots movement that calls itself “The Party of Know.” Jerry Bader, a conservative talk show host on WTAG 1360, helped organize the rally. Most protestors said their purpose Thursday was to let President Obama know just exactly how they feel about a government backed health care system.

“It doesn’t work,” Dawn Papapetru said. Papapetru said she feels an obligation to speak out. She now lives in Green Bay but was born and raised in Canada, a country that provides universal health care for its citizens.

“I know what the free health system is all about. It’s wrong. Taxes will go up, gas will go up and the lines get longer in hospitals,” Papapetru said.

Gateway Pundit has more.    Nary a word in legacy media.

H/T Instapundit
